rockerest’s avatarrockerest’s Twitter Archive

20,575 tweets

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⬅️ New ⬆️ 🙂
⬇️ 🙁
  1. I am now fully on Mastodon ( Find me at, or search @[email protected] on your server. See you in a more peaceful place!
  2. If you're a software developer, you've probably experienced The Code Review. I wrote a short post documenting what is A Good Code Review:
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  3. Have you heard about Mastodon? I wrote a short thing about it for people who aren't sure. In this update, I improved the topic of following people a bit with an analogy and 3 steps to avoid the follow process that annoys some people.
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  4. I started writing a rough draft of Mastodon info for people who are not sold on Mastodon. Helpful?
    OpenGraph image for
  5. Me laying in bed: Me laying in bed doing absolutely nothing: My Google Pixel Watch: congratulations on accomplishing your steps goal for this hour! ☺️
  6. My recurring problem watching DC movies in the theater is that they will not allow you to forget you're in a theater. Other than its cohesive, interconnected story, the MCU's biggest achievement was somehow making…
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  7. Saying how bad they are for society / the web feels like punching down now that Meta is... Whatever Meta is now.
  8. I know you go through batteries pretty fast, so I'll help you keep your supply organized, call me your… 1 🖼️…
    OpenGraph image for
  9. My Mastodon account is
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  10. Companies: we want good engineers. Good engineers: Writing code this way is bad and we should absolutely stop. Companies: we want engineers who are good at writing our code.
  11. at-alls on GitLab-org issues make me giggle uncontrollably.
  12. Update: my starting point for water for coffee with these notes (i.e., should be a light roast, so start at 100C with the pour happening at 95C) is probably wrong. I tried 88C (i.e., clearly this is a medium-dark roast, so 85C at pour is probably better)... rockerest/1583521956900397057
  13. I haven't really been following this all that much, but from the bits I saw, this does not seem like the anti-rich people (I may be one). This seems like the inevitable outcome of "never offend anyone" being weaponized as "I want what you have and I'm mad I don't have it." MediumSizeMeech/1584165969768853506
  14. Get ready
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  15. When did specialty coffee roasters stop indicating the approximate roast level of their coffee? I can pull a bag off the shelf with notes like "lemon" and "tart" and the beans will be black and oily and taste like carbon and ash. The roast level is really important!


  1. Well, Bitcoin has stabilized at almost exactly $14/coin. I'm tired of waiting for a jump, so I'm taking the loss and getting my cash back
  2. Roses are red wololo Roses are blue #ageOfEmpires
  3. Framework Zealots: wEb CoMpOnEnTs ArE uSeLeSs AnD dUmB VMware: ships web components Salesforce: ships web components GitHub: ships web components
  4. I follow this account for absurd lols, not to be shook BuckyIsotope/1031329186466525184
  5. Microsoft and Chrome are working together to make forms better. Better UX and design, better components (better selects, amirite?), new elements like toggle switches. Shout out to stubbornella and gregwhitworth for publicly leading these charges! #jamstackconf
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API

I’ve retweeted other tweets 4,435 times (21.6%)

Most Retweeted

  1. KeithOlbermann 305 retweets
  2. TheOnion 116 retweets
  3. slightlylate 92 retweets
  4. dog_rates 56 retweets
  5. rockerest 53 retweets
  6. getify 49 retweets
  7. horse_js 49 retweets
  8. MikeRoof 42 retweets
  9. iamdevloper 42 retweets
  10. seldo 41 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. slightlylate 33 retweets
  2. dog_rates 14 retweets
  3. seldo 13 retweets
  4. Carnage4Life 9 retweets
  5. rockerest 8 retweets
  6. Popehat 8 retweets
  7. CaseyNewton 6 retweets
  8. KyleClark 6 retweets
  9. DanShappir 6 retweets
  10. kerrizor 5 retweets

Replies and Mentions

36.0% of my tweets are replies (×7,400)

Most Replies To

  1. ErichRahm 424 replies
  2. MikeRoof 381 replies
  3. caraesten 355 replies
  4. mmcclannahan 328 replies
  5. kerrizor 231 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. kerrizor 54 replies
  2. ErichRahm 46 replies
  3. MikeRoof 29 replies
  4. mmcclannahan 26 replies
  5. claviska 25 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 317 times (1.5%)

55.0% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (2,518 of 4,582)

95.0% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (400 of 421)

Top Domains

  1. 1754 tweets
  2. 915 tweets
  3. 308 tweets
  4. 275 tweets
  5. 93 tweets
  6. 91 tweets
  7. 64 tweets
  8. 46 tweets
  9. 45 tweets
  10. 39 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. 1647 tweets
  2. 915 tweets
  3. 308 tweets
  4. 264 tweets
  5. 103 tweets
  6. 91 tweets
  7. 90 tweets
  8. 64 tweets
  9. 43 tweets
  10. 39 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 2,463 retweets and ❤️ 15,261 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 😂 used 226 times on 61 tweets
  2. 😭 used 100 times on 44 tweets
  3. 😬 used 93 times on 33 tweets
  4. 🤔 used 86 times on 37 tweets
  5. 💯 used 47 times on 19 tweets

237 unique emoji on 697 tweets (4.3% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. jamstackconf used 36 times
  2. neat used 35 times on 29 tweets
  3. firstworldproblems used 16 times
  4. extralife used 14 times
  5. wotw2 used 13 times

1,319 hashtags on 1,302 tweets (8.1% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. s_it used 165 times on 159 tweets
  2. f_ck used 116 times on 114 tweets
  3. f_cking used 105 times on 97 tweets
  4. d_mn used 79 times on 71 tweets
  5. h_ll used 68 times on 66 tweets

807 swear words on 768 tweets (4.8% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets