rockerest’s avatarrockerest’s Twitter Archive—№ 18,536

          1. When I hit 1000 followers, I started thinking about them, and I had a theory: I would guess that 50% of my followers are either scammers or outright bots. I'm eventually going to block them all, but I wanted to test my theory first.
        1. …in reply to @rockerest
          So I wrote check.js, which checks a couple of heuristics against all of my followers. Eventually, I'd like to use a real bot-or-not API, but the only one I know of is extremely difficult to use, and has an incredibly low rate limit (
          OpenGraph image for
      1. …in reply to @rockerest
        Anyway, I don't have any way to find bots right now, but against my other heuristics... Well... I think my theory is probably right.
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @rockerest
      Eventually, I'll fine-tune this to the point where it catches every crypto/blockchain/NFT scammer following me AND it can detect bots. When I do, I'm going to flip the switch that blocks them all and it's going to be a slightly more beautiful world.
  1. …in reply to @rockerest
    The next thing is like to check is profile pictures. The easiest metric will be Twitter's new NFT pfp thing, which I HOPE will be discoverable (e.g. pfpIsNft). The next most useful is the laser eyes, but that will require some kind of image processing.
    OpenGraph image for
    1. …in reply to @rockerest
      Every time I tweet about how much I despise this world and how I'm going to use some thing to root the scumbags out and block them, some of them like (and sometimes retweet) it. A dumb bot spewing likes is a sure sign that something is legit 🙄🙄