rockerest’s avatarrockerest’s Twitter Archive—№ 19,345

  1. …in reply to @MikeRoof
    MikeRoof It comes and goes. I've seen the domain load fine, but then it gets infinite 301s on SOME of the image requests....
    1. …in reply to @rockerest
      MikeRoof Chaos
      1. …in reply to @rockerest
        MikeRoof CloudflareHelp If I enable the Cloudflare Proxy over the DNS CNAME records for this domain ( => I get messy infinite 301 Redirects on the domain and sometimes (if it loads) on sub-resources. No proxy = works fine. What gives?
        1. …in reply to @rockerest
          MikeRoof CloudflareHelp CloudflareHelp 🦗🦗 This is still happening. I'm close to just disabling the Cloudflare DNS Proxy entirely on all of my sites, and - as a result - moving entirely off of Workers/Workers KV elsewhere, because I don't trust it.